Libre-Mesh integration

Libre-Mesh network islands in Catalonya miss integration with the already existent infrastructure, to make possible a seamless migration to [ LiMe] it should be capable to route packets from BGP networks and vice versa, moreover at least a minimal suport on map for LiMe is needed.

The goal of this proposal is to implement the glue between the legacy network, maps and tools and the new LiMe networks.

Tasks to accomplish:

  • Creation of an LiMe plug-in (in the form of an OpenWrt package) to autoconfigure a BGP daemon (possibly BIRD)
  • Integration of LiMe-based mesh nodes in Maps

{|{{Prettytable}}| | Useful Skills: || OpenWrt, LiMe, Drupal |- | Type of Work: || Coding, Web desing |- | Progamming Languages: || Lua, PHP, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript XHR, JSON |- | Possible Mentors: || Al |- | Level from Beginner <br>1-5 Professional: || 5 Professional |}